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Ternua is the active brand that inspires people with an adventurous soul and an outdoor spirit to connect with nature. These are people who recharge their energy levels in the open air with versatile and high performance technical garments which offer the safety and reliability that they are looking for. We are a brand committed to sustainable innovation that protects both the planet and people, inspired by a symbol that represents a relationship between them based on respect.



Because understanding innovation in any other way is not an option in today’s world. That’s why we design and manufacture high performance technical garments which are multifunctional and sustainable, not only involving ourselves in the search for respectful processes and materials, but also launching and participating in sustainable innovation projects which make a difference.


We make sure that all of our garments are designed to meet our demands and those of our users, and we develop and test our prototypes in-house with our friends to ensure that we achieve this. Also, in the manufacture of our garments in our network of factories, we make sure that each of them embodies our values of respect for and protection of both the planet and people.


A garment design, adapted to the latest aesthetic trends, which provides the reliability that our users seek and expect from our brand. So that they can be confident that our garments offer the quality, durability, functionality and versatility demanded for their activity, and confident that they have been manufactured in a way that respects the environment and people.


To connect with nature, both at sea and in the mountains, in urban and natural environments... And even if you are not surrounded by nature, make you feel as if you were. That describes our spirit and the essence of our reason for being: to be an active brand that stimulates its users, accompanying them in their enjoyment of the outdoors and their search for experiences that allow them to feel the true essence of nature... and of themselves.


At Ternua we aim to satisfy the needs of a wide variety of users who, due to the type of activities they engage in, their personality and lifestyle, require different and specific treatment.